I have been hearing from businesses and estheticians around the country. I have heard some are still busy and some are closed. I know many are nervous of what is ahead. This is a time to regroup and get creative. This is the beauty of small business. We can pivot a lot faster than a […]
4 Tips for New Estheticians
4 Tips for New Estheticians – Knowing your ingredients and what they do will help you in many ways. With this information you will practically be knowledgeable in every skincare line. This information can also help improve your sales.
Skin Cancer Awareness
Unfortunately, skin cancer is the most common type of cancer, according to the American Cancer Society. After performing multiple services you become more familiar with your clients skin. So spotting an unfamiliar or funny looking mole or birthmark becomes super easy. Know what to look for when you see a suspicious spot on your client.
Home Run Skin Care Regimens
What should your clients go home with after their skin care treatment? Here is a quick guide of some of our suggestions for clients different skin types. Dry Skin Types Purpose: Nourish, hydrate and reverse signs of aging Key Ingredients: MSM, DMAE, Rooibos Tea Extract, Vitamin C, Retinol, Hyaluronic Acid, Jojoba Oil, Neem Oil, Avocado […]
The Perfect Microdermabrasion Treatment
Microdermabrasion is a staple and a great purifying exfoliating treatment. There are a lot of new gadgets and tools out there, but this is a classic method that is also a great money saver! I do understand some states don’t allow microdermabrasion, but that does not mean that you can not give your client a […]
What is Micellar Cleansing Water and how do I use it?
When you first come across the word “micellar” your first thought may be “What the heck is that and am I pronouncing this right?”. Same! Pronounced mi-cel-lar, this cleansing water has been used in France for decades. Although it’s been sold in the U.S. for quite some time now, it wasn’t until recently that major […]
Homecare Kit: The power of the 3 C’s
I know a lot of amazing professionals that are uncomfortable selling home skincare products to their customers because they don’t want it feel pushy. I totally get it, we are not in the car sales business and most of us don’t like to sell. You need to remember you are the expert and in order […]
This is the perfect season for Peels
Targeting Holistic Customers Means More Return To You
The holistic lifestyle is a growing trend and is shifting customers’ decisions in the types of products and services they will select. Nowadays, people have grown increasingly aware of the kinds of products they use and how these products affect their health. Their efforts are focused on reducing toxic load from their environment and their […]
Why natural and organic skin care?
Why are using natural or organic ingredients so important? Our skin is exposed to thousands of chemicals every day from pollution, food and products we put on it. Most companies today mass produce products and are looking for the lowest cost to create these. Many times the products quality suffers when more chemicals and potentially […]