April 2, 2023 professional acne treatments for estheicians

Acne Prone Skin- Ingredients to look for

In our previous blog, we mentioned acne is prevalent in over 50 million Americans annually. You are bound to have a client come in with concerns due to acne, blemishes, dark spots and pigmentation. We are here to help you choose products that have acne fighting ingredients to give your clients results they are looking […]

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May 23, 2019 skin cancer sun damage

Skin Cancer Awareness

Unfortunately, skin cancer is the most common type of cancer, according to the American Cancer Society. After performing multiple services you become more familiar with your clients skin. So spotting an unfamiliar or funny looking mole or birthmark becomes super easy. Know what to look for when you see a suspicious spot on your client.

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May 30, 2018 antioxidants in skincare

Must Have Antioxidants and Vitamins that Fight Sun Damage

We have 4 Antioxidant and Vitamins that fight free-radical damage that you should have in your cabinet this summer.  What are free radicals exactly? Free radicals are charged chemical particles of oxygen that enter into a destructive chemical bond with organic substances such as proteins.  This results in oxidation, a prime example of oxidation that […]

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October 31, 2011

FDA new requirements for sunscreen labels

By next summer you will see many changes to sunscreen labels.  These changes are going to be required by the FDA and will provide us with more information about the sunscreen products we purchase. The FDA is taking some steps to help protect consumers from excessive sun exposure. This is great news for consumers!  This […]

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