We are filled with orange goodness all around as the fall season takes its turn. Pumpkin takes over the world during this time and for good reason. It not only tastes delicious but provides benefits for your skin with the help of pumpkin enzymes. Let’s look at all the positives of using pumpkin in your […]
Retinol Power
Retinol is suitable for all skin types, from sensitive, anti-aging to acne prone skin types. Many retinols are fairly potent and take a little bit of time for the skin to get used to it. Frequency of use can be adjusted till the skin gets acclimated to the potency of this serum. Our Emerge night serum is a great serum for those who are used to using Retinols or people that are new to the ingredient Retinol. It is also a great one for sensitive skin types.
Understanding pigmentation
Pigmentation happens as a result of melanin which is produced by cells called Melanocytes through a process called melanogensis. We have thousands of melanocytes per millimeter of skin. Hyperpigmentation can happen in any skin types such as, oily, dary, dark and light. Excessive stimulation or inflammation in the skin can result in excessive melanin production.
What is a Retinol Sandwich?
Retinol is a powerful skincare ingredient that works to reduce fine lines, wrinkles, acne, scarring and pigmentation. This key ingredient is a form of Vitamin A. Depending on skin type and skin concern will determine which product is right for you and how to apply it. When to start using this skincare product. What is […]
Microdermabrasion and Customization
Microdermabrasion is an oldie but goodie! I have been saying that quite a bit lately. I keep coming back to this treatment and it is easily customized for most skin types. You can prep and finish the treatment in different ways to get the results you are looking for. I like to use tools to help me do most of the work.
Retinol: The beauty formula for all skincare routines
Retinol is a must have for all beauty skin regimens. If you are concerned with anti aging, want healthy glowing skin or have acne prone skin you will love this gentle yet powerful formula. This formula is great to add to your client’s skincare regimen.
Acne Prone Skin- Ingredients to look for
In our previous blog, we mentioned acne is prevalent in over 50 million Americans annually. You are bound to have a client come in with concerns due to acne, blemishes, dark spots and pigmentation. We are here to help you choose products that have acne fighting ingredients to give your clients results they are looking […]
Spa Treatments and Skin Concerns
Hey estheticians! Are you looking for reassurance on what spa treatments to tackle with certain skin concerns? Well you came to the right place! Read below the skin concerns and spa treatments for each skin issue. Remember, every client’s skin is different. This is guide to help you determine what could possibly work for your […]
It’s Pumpkin Time!
It’s that time of year again to start planning your fall and holiday treatments. Pumpkin is a rich source of antioxidants & enzymes that act like Alpha-Hydroxy acids. Pumpkin contains more than 100 beneficial nutrients, which may be used to help reverse the signs of aging.
What you need to know about Niacinamide (Vitamin B3)
What you need to know about Niacinamide (Vitamin B3) This is the multi-function vitamin that can tackle many anti-aging issues. This ingredient is one that has been overlooked for a long time. Here are 6 things you must know about Niacinamide Vitamin B3 for you skin. Antioxidant Effects – Niacinamide increases the antioxidant capacity of […]