Have you hosted a spa event, yet? This is a great way to attract new comers to your business. It is time to put your thinking hat on and start planning an event. Firstly, think about what your target market will enjoy and what they may be intrigued by to bring them to your establishment. Even if you have no idea, just start somewhere. Learning how to attract new clients is a process and requires you to try new things. You will eventually get the hang of it! Sit down with your team, get creative with themes and ways to promote this upcoming event. Here are some ideas to get you started:
Setting prices for spa services and products
What should you consider when setting prices for your spa services and products? There is an array of costs you will need to review when it comes down to setting prices within your business. You do not want to set your pricing too low and undervalue your business.
Spa Business Assessment for Estheticians
Are you keeping up with your reports? Have you checked out those numbers? Keeping up with reports will allow you to see where you have gaps within your business assessment, while also giving you opportunities for growth. Take action and get into the habit of looking at your reporting for sales, services, and website visitors. What is your conversion rate? Overall, how many clients are coming back in and how is engagement with new clients?
Spa Marketing Ideas for Estheticians
spa marketing ideas for estheticians (you) to keep your marketing plan on track. Marketing can be a pain to manage, so create a strategy to keep yourself on track. If it is within your budget, look to hire a marketing agent to alleviate some of the stress and tasks. Let’s get into it!
Adding Natural Mineral Makeup to your Retail
Offering pure natural mineral powder for your clients to use after their skincare treatments is a must. Makeup is an extension of our skincare regimen. Using good quality ingredients will keep the skin looking healthy and radiant. We have a line of pure natural mineral powder that is easy to color match and doesn’t require you to buy a large amount of sku’s.
Charting as an Esthetician
As an esthetician, we know charting is an important part of the job to keep track of client’s history and details. Charting allows us to form a treatment plan based on past treatments and product use. You never want to skip out on charting one of your clients, because this could affect you and your client in working towards their skincare goal. Here are the best tips when it comes to charting as an esthetician.
Moisturizing Skin Care Ingredients
Do you know what ingredients make up your back bar or skincare line? Keeping with the theme of hydration and moisture, we wanted to do a go to ingredient list of moisturizing skin care ingredients. Take a look at your products and see if any of the below ingredients are formulated in your skin care.
Top 7 Hydrating Picks for your Facial Back Bar
These hydrating professional back bar products are in my personal back bar product mix. I grab these when I have skin that is needing hydration. Some may need all of them and this depends if the skin is thick, has occasional breakouts, red, irritated, dry or sensitive. I always keep notes on what is used and as I get to know their skin we perfect the combination.
Selecting the right moisturizer for your client.
How can you tailor to your customers when it comes to selecting the right moisturizer for your retail line? Here are a few things to consider; demographics, climate, and skin types. These are all important factors when selecting the appropriate skincare for your business. Lets determine which moisturizing products will work best for your skincare […]
Understanding the Fitzpatrick Scale
Harvard dermatologist Thomas Fitzpatrick. M.D., Ph.D., first developed the Fitzpatrick scale in 1975 to gauge how skin of different colors reacted to UV light exposure. This model is used to evaluate a clients propensity to post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH). The melanin content should warn the service provider that any surface inflammation can trigger hyperpigmentation.