May 17, 2024

Spa Marketing Ideas for Estheticians

Here are some spa marketing ideas for estheticians (you) to keep your marketing plan on track. Marketing can be a pain to manage, so create a strategy to keep yourself on track. If it is within your budget, look to hire a marketing agent to alleviate some of the stress and tasks. Let’s get into it!

Revamp your marketing plan

Are you using your old marketing material that is out of date? Firstly, it may be time to thoroughly go over your material and see what needs to be updated. This could possibly be holding your business back. If you do not have a marketing plan, create a rough draft and go from there. Figure out how you can be consistent and take off. Tools for marketing include email, blogs, social media, video content, and mail campaigns. 

Update your Calendar

Don’t have a calendar with marketing material that is ready to go? It may sound overwhelming but in the long run this will help keep you on track. To start with, work on a calendar that has the first two months ready with posts, blogs and other material you want your customers to see. Having material scheduled will help keep your business relevant and known. Some times customers may put you in the back of their mind and need a little nudge to come back in for services or product. 


One of the best ways to keep in contact with customers. Make sure you add your new clients and visitors to your email list that way they know what is going on with your business. You can break your emails into groups depending on where your customer interest lies. This can help with positive engagement for your emails. Create a survey to see what your customers interests are within your business. 


Having a website is essential to every business, so if you do not have one, it may be time to ponder on this idea. This is how customers can find you, know what you are up to and stay connected. If you have a retail line, you can put your skincare available for purchase, so customers have easy access to buy products. Above all keep your site updated with blog posts, services and specials.

Mail Campaign

An oldie but a goodie! Who doesn’t love to receive mail with your name on it and it includes coupons. You can check your system and send out birthday cards for the month to show your customers recognition. They will appreciate it!


This is a great way to connect to your community. Plan out some days to network with businesses in your area that you can work with.  Use a business networking group or volunteer depending on the business. This will go a long way!

Contact Past Clients

Check your client database or scheduling system and see who hasn’t been in, in a while. Send them a text, email or call to keep in touch. See how they are doing and if you can assist them in anyway. Show that you appreciate their business and want to make sure you are offering them quality work. 

Whether or not you were aware of these spa maketing ideas and tips, it is a good reminder to see where you can improve in your marketing plan. If it feels like an overwhelming task, delegate assignments to your employees or work in sections. Even if just a little time goes towards your marketing plan, that is better than not trying. What tips do you recommend? Let us know!