June 28, 2024 5 star review as an esthetician

How to Get a 5 Star Review as an Esthetician

How can you obtain a 5 star review as an esthetician in skincare? Being in the business myself, I wanted to give some insight on my experience as an esthetician. It truly comes down to customer service and presentation. There are plenty of subcategories within these two so let’s get into it!

Greetings and Consults

Greeting Customers: Greeting the client is an especially important step to make sure they are comfortable in your establishment. If you know who is on schedule you can greet them by name to be personable. You can offer the client a water and check in with them by seeing how they are doing. Create a warm and welcoming environment, so they want to schedule that next appointment already. Unfortunately, there will be times personal life can get in the way and cause us to have a negative attitude in the work place. If you are having a bad day, take five to ten minutes to yourself before entering work. That way you can reset and bring better energy into the workplace. 

Quality Consultations: When they come in for a consultation book enough time for conversation and finding out their skin concerns. Do not try and rush through a consult as the client will notice and feel unappreciated and not worth your time. They remember more how they feel versus what was said. Remember, we are on the track to a 5 star review as an esthetician. Go over treatment plans to educate your client about the different services and products you offer. Hard selling is not necessary in this business. By educating and informing the client of what they will need, will get them to book an appointment.  If you have front desk staff communicate with them what products and services you recommended. They can help you sell the products they need for home use and book their appointment.

Answering Service/Messages: When they contact you via direct message, email or phone, respond back in a timely manner. Be polite and try to connect with the client. Answer any questions that they have and set up their first consultation. If you are a front desk associate, answer the questions to the best of your knowledge. If you do not know the answer to their question, let them know you will follow up and callback with a response. 

Quality and Consistency

Quality Products and Services: If you are in this business to bring joy to clients, then offering quality products and services is a given. Do your research on products you plan to retail in your facility. Look over the ingredients and make sure the brand matches with your company. Usually, the products you retail, are also used in your back bar treatments. Quality products, creates quality facials. It is honestly about the research you conduct on facial machines and products. Know what you are buying and whether it will be a good investment or not. 

Consistent Treatments: Clients are coming in for results. The way for them to get positive results is to come in monthly for a treatment. This does not mean you have to do the same treatments each month, just as long as the treatment is meant to benefit their skin. Above all, you want to make sure they are happy with your work and progress. Inform your client that consistency is key and that it can pay off. Do not make concrete guarantees, but explain that the treatment you choose provides certain benefits to their skin. 

Perks: Have a reward system for your clientele. For example, you can do a referral program. When they refer a client they receive a free product or facial treatment. Another option would be a punch whole system. When they come in for a certain amount of facials, they get one free. For members, you can have discount on products and services as an incentive. Depending on your business, you can get as creative as you would like with the type of perks you offer. 

Keeping it Tidy and Following Up

Cleanliness: As an esthetician or spa owner, you want your facility to be clean and tidy. Your clients will notice if the place is unorganized or the treatment room is dirty. Keep your back bar product wiped down and the floors swept. People will notice the little details when they walk into your building. 

Follow Ups: This important step tends to be forgotten, but following up with a client goes a long way. This is huge in to retaining clients. Check in with your client after their first consult or a treatment they have done. You can see how they are feeling or how their skin is reacting to the treatment. That way you are informed and can keep a note of any reactions. Some times a client may not feel eager to reach out and let you know any of the side effects of your treatment. They may decide to drop you and find seek elsewhere. By following up, it shows initiate and that you care about their results. If they have any questions during the call, it can be answered right away. 

The list can go on with how to get 5 star review as an esthetician working in the skincare business. These are just a few examples to keep in mind as you work and meet with clients. If you show respect and care for your client, they will want to be loyal to you. Creating loyalty within your skincare business goes a long way. By doing this, it can give you opportunity for referrals and great reviews. This will help make your online presence more approachable when customers are looking up spas near me. 

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