July 31, 2023 getting your spa ready for fall

Getting ready for the Fall Season

This year many research companies have said holiday shopping will start as early as October. July may feel like an early start, but get your ducks in a row to prepare yourself for a big season. Get ahead of shoppers with our suggestions.

Do you sell online? Want to sell multi-channel?
If you want to sell online or add a channel to sell on, you need to start now. There are a variety of portals to choose from. I keep hearing, “meet your clients where they are.” Shopping online provides ease and quick access to products. That is why we love it!

Focus on improving the Customer experience.
 What is the customer experience? The point of walking through your doors up until the moment they leave. Go the extra mile for each of your clients and pay attention to their needs. Make taking care of their skin easy and stay one step ahead of them. Don’t let them leave your office or site with questions. Keep their skincare regimen recommendation clear, so there is no confusion.

Return and customer satisfaction strategy.
This may not be something we think about but this is a big one. We compete with other companies and have to have a strategy for returns if they do happen. Sometimes a “no return” policy is a deal breaker for some. Aesthetic Back Bar offers a sampling program where you can get sample sizes with your own logo. This helps upsell and avoid returns if the skincare product doesn’t agree with their skin type. I have seen a company offer a sample with the purchase of a product. The client tries the sample and if they need, for example, a more hydrating moisturizer they can exchange the unopened product.

Price strategy.
Take your time when it comes to managing prices for your products. Make sure you are taking account of returns, commissions, shipping or other fees that are incurred. I have heard many experts say customers prefer free shipping and it is a factor when choosing to purchase online. If you think this is a deal breaker, look over your pricing and see if changes need to be made.

Building trust.
Aim to build trust, so you can work on retaining more customers. It is 4 times more expensive to acquire a new customer than it is to keep one. Clients who trust you (the provider), will more likely console in you for skincare needs over a brand new client. This being said, yes you want new business, but make sure you are also focusing on what you have.

Have inventory read.
If you have a sales history, look it over and forecast what you will need for this season. it is important to calculate what inventory you will need to be stocked. If you don’t have inventory, you can’t sell anything. If someone has to wait for an order, they make look elsewhere to purchase what they need. I have heard sales representatives mention to have at least 6 weeks of inventory ready. This allows you to have enough time to restock and ready for the busy months ahead. Our private label has a quick turn around of 2-3 weeks. Plan ahead of time, especially if you have sales or events planned.

Shipping Solutions.
Do you ship products to customers? Having the right tools can help you save on time and shipping costs. We have used Shipstation for years and it has been great. They are one of many shipping softwares that can help manage this process. You can check which carrier is less expensive and how many days it will take to arrive to your customer. You can also connect it to different sales channels like your website.

If your website ready?
Make sure your website is up to speed. Have it checked and make sure it is loading correctly. Is your information up to date. Having a site that runs smoothly will provide a more pleasant experience for your customer.