July 12, 2011

How safe are your Anti-Aging Creams?

We are always concerned about safety but many times we do not seem to concerned about what is put on the skin.  We are usually very obsessive about reading ingredient labels and buying products that are natural or organic.   What about topical creams and serums we apply that penetrate the skin’s barrier? Those go overlooked most of the time.  A recent study at Mount Sinai School of Medicine found that exposure to three common chemical types: phenols, phthalates and phytoestrogens may in young girls disrupt the timing of pubertal development and put girls at risk for complications later in life. The study was conducted on 1151 girls from 6 – 8 years of age.

Researchers out of Oklahoma City said, “Daily application of topical ‘youth enhancing’ moisturizers containing estrogen or estrognically active compounds could theoretically be a risk to women with breast cancer, particularly those with estrogen receptor—positive breast cancers who take aromatase inhibitors”.

16 Anti-aging products were selected based on claims of “rejuvenating” or “youth enhancing” to be tested for estradiol, estriol and estrone. None of the products mentioned estrogen or estrogenic molecules in the ingredient listing.  Unopened samples were sent to the research center in Oklahoma City. After testing five samples contained  estriol, one contained estriol and one contained estrone.

Many believe that cosmetic laws are outdated for the type of chemicals and products we have on the market today.  Consumers rely on manufacturers to provide accurate ingredients on their

Theoretically daily application of “anti-aging” moisturizers that contain estrogen or estrognically active compounds could possibly be a risk to women with breast cancer.  Research is still being conducted and there are experts on both sides that debate this topic.

My opinion is to stay informed, do your own research and question manufacturers. Try to select products that have more natural or organic ingredients.

Environmental Health Perspectives   http://ehp03.niehs.nih.gov
Journal of Clinical Oncology   http://jco.ascopubs.org
Inside Cosmeceuticals   http://www.insidecosmeceuticals.com